Gospel: The Good News! (1267)

I have called each of you to express the excitement of the Gospel of St. John: the good news from the testimony of St. John. Some of you have questions. Some of you have doubts. Welcome to a first hand experience of the gathering of Israel.

For those who have questions regarding the author of the text (Denver C. Snuffer), I’ll let his words explain the process he used to acquire the record. This is a letter Denver C. Snuffer wrote to explain the work he just produced in the testimony of St. John:

“There is a new edition of the scriptures being prepared which will use the JST of the Bible. That will result in both the Book of Moses and JS-Matthew being removed from the Pearl of Great Price. When I was asked to take a look at the project I had the impression that a new translation of John’s Gospel was needed and ought to replace the missing texts. I asked a qualified Greek Scholar to undertake that project and he declined. But the impression remained that it needed to be done.
I made it the subject of prayer and was told to do the work. I spent a few days working with an English-Greek New Testament, the JS Translation of John, and a Greek Lexicon before becoming hopelessly discouraged by the many options and choices. I prayed about it before retiring for the night and essentially quit. I explained that it would take years for me to accomplish this, and that I was not going to be able to solve the riddles of the text. I went to bed assuming I was done with it.
In the middle of that night I was awakened and given the solution to every dilemma I had been facing in the work on the text. So the next day I continued on from where I had abandoned the work and, to my surprise, everything was opened to my mind so clearly and continuously that the entire project was completed in less than three weeks. The light of heaven opened the material in a way I had never thought of nor had previously attained to in considering the Gospel of John. At times it progressed so rapidly that I was unable to finish one part before the next came rolling out. Many new and different things were added, and at least one thing was dropped entirely because it was not part of John’s original composition. Because of the rapid way it rolled out, once I finished the text I went back to clean up a lot of what had been left as incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, missing words (particularly conjunctions) and cryptic or inadequate explanations. The intent of the writer, John, was revealed, including why some things were included in the text and the manner he wrote.


When it began it was an attempt at a “translation” but by the time it was completed it was clearly a “revelation” and not merely a translation of a text. Therefore the result does not have my name on it, because I cannot claim any credit for the content. I failed in what I was attempting. What resulted came from heaven.”

Three key points:

  1. The announcement of new scriptures rolling out soon. I suspect that the St. George conference that my wife and I are speaking at will be when it rolls out, but it could be sooner.
  2. Another point that caught my attention was the fact that a Greek scholar declined the effort. I believe that revelatory work from the Lord doesn’t give scholars any advantage. The Lord can work with a simple contractor like my dad.
  3. One significant point that caught my attention is the pattern of the Lord to allow men to go to the point of failure, so that when the miracle occurs, the failed attempt makes it clear to the man that it was God’s work, He did the heavy lifting, He produced the miracle, so the man can take no credit!

Some of you have doubts. Particularly Mom has expressed her doubts. She has addressed me in a private email, so I’ll not go into detail, but will address common doubts that have been expressed. You have to go to the Lord. Don’t complain to me. Don’t warn me. You don’t have the position to warn me as none of you have made much of an effort to “know ye the Lord.” Read the words for yourself: http://www.denversnuffer.com. Go to the downloads section, at the bottom, and download “the testimony of St. John.” Rather than stroke your pride, read it and use Moroni’s method to prove if it’s contents are genuine or not. Using the excuse that you already know, will provide you comfort in your fallen state, and you will be lulled back to sleep. Your choice.

Welcome to a first-hand experience of the gathering of Israel. You are in a position to witness the separation of the wheat from the tares, from the front row. The tool being used to do the separation is… (wait for it…) the words of Christ. Now is the time to reflect on your preparation, to see if you have what it takes to be considered wheat.

Conclusion: You have a big task to take on. New scriptures? Holy cow, can you believe that we live in these times? I’m pinching myself in excitement. The scriptures testified of it. The Mormons are associated with the Gentiles (D&C 109:60-61). The day of the Gentile was prophesied to end (3 Nephi 16:10). That means the LDS church’s time is prophesied to end along with the end of the days of the Gentiles, as they are associated with the Gentiles! The fulness was prophesied to go from the Gentiles to the remnant seed of Lehi, which means that the church has no leg to stand on as the scriptures have testified against them (2 Nephi 28).

The only reason you’ll get mad at me is because you fail to read the scriptures. Your aggression only testifies of your ignorance. This isn’t a time to be mad! It is exciting as Zion is unfolding before us.

When the scriptures were first produced, in 1830, the entire congregation read them and sustained them as the words of Christ. Christ himself then placed His stamp of approval by revelation to Joseph Smith. And the people were held to that scripture, to live according to every word printed within them. That is when the saints were instructed to build a temple.

But the early saints failed to live by the words that they sustained. When Joseph and Hyrum died, they cast out scriptures that give clear instructions of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost, and attributes of Christ. They fudged some of the records to justify plural marriage, and continue to manipulate changes in our day, intending to turn people away from Christ’s presence, rather than towards obtaining their second comforter and calling and election made sure (anti-Christ?). Therefore, they are cut-off ( a real penalty) from the presence of the Lord, until the day of judgement, when they’ll wish the mountains would fall upon them to hide their sins.

You are not of that blood line. You are the remnant of which the scriptures testify would receive the fulness of the gospel of Christ. You are the covenant that would be lions amongst the beast of the forest, having obtained your voice by speaking with the tongue of angels. Having obtained the tongue of angels requires knowing the words of Christ by feasting upon those words. Do that! Be that! Be free!

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